So i loved looking at this on Noelle Bakers blog and thought it would be fun to picture hunt, plus my house is clean and i cant nap with the kids cause the neighbor is using his scroll saw right outside my window. boo. so here we go.
A pic of you in your room:
hallway beside my room? close enough. halloween 07.
A pic of you with someone you don't like:
okay, the hot chic in the middle, i wish that was me, and the greasy, back up dancer gave me the heeb jeebs.
A pic of you in the daylight:
A pic of you on your birthday or a Holiday:
Hawaii 08 the best Holiday ever!
seeing as it just past...Happy 28th!
The youngest pic of you in digital form:
i'm pretty sure i was packing my things to run away in this pic, and someone foiled my plan
A pic of you with a new Hair cut/color:
A pic of you in a time of your life that you wish wasn't over:
dancing every day...pure bliss
A pic of you in a time of your life that you're thankful is over:
not that it wasn't fun being single and living with 90 fun, but i'm glad to be married!
A pic of you with someone you love:
A Pic of how you'd like to be seen spending every day:
just chillin with these guys
A pic of you when everything changed:
First baby...turns your world upside down
A pic of you that makes your heart hurt:
grade 7 perm...enough said.
A pic of you that makes your heart smile:
one of our engagement it
A pic of you on the best day of your life:
Dec 19/03... no contest.
A pic of you in formal attire:
Dental banquet /06
A pic you couldn't leave out:
i couldn't leave out these two little monkeys :)
so i didn't make it quite to 30 pics...too long..aww well enjoy!