Tuesday, January 26, 2010

i was thinking

i think its natural to compare your children. their personalities, physical features, bad habits etc. and in doing so today i thought to myself. 'man, ozzie has some meaty thighs, i just wanna bite em'...i wonder if they are chunkier than gretas at that age?' so i inquired further...

i cant decide?

greta at 16mnths( ha ha, this pic kills me)

Ozzie at 16 mnths (he is mid stride)

i also think its funny that kids love being in "downward dog" all day long at this same age


one more for the road...whats up with the constant obsession with shoes?

greta has always had good taste in stilettos

these are gretas snowman slippers that ozzie brings to be every 20 min. or so until i put them on, and then screams if i try to take them off.

too funny. i love this age so much. if only i could get an translator for all of ozzie's yammering and screaming for things that i have no clue what he's talking about, then we'd be set:)

oh and p.s. to you photographers out there...why am i getting so much back shadow in my pics? help?