Thursday, January 29, 2009

Slept like a "baby"?

okay, one thing i know for sure....the phrase " I slept like a baby" has some serious descriptive errors. First of all, in my house babies dont sleep or 2 year olds for that matter...basically at all. they only wake-up to scratch, scream like a little girl for no reason, ask for lip stuff 49 time or get their arms out of their wrap and keep me up all hours of the day and night. So if someone says they "Slept like a baby" ...i feel sorry for them.

Here are some more accurate versions ...
" I slept like a retired senior citizen...with his hearing aids out" or
"I slept like someone who has no kids" or maybe even
"I slept like someone who drank a bottle of NyQuil"

That to me would make more sense. I cant wait until one day when I can truthfully say
" I slept like someone who had the mis-fortune of watching an episode of Thomas the Train."


  1. Oh gosh how true. I've laughed at that saying for years. HA!
    As it stands, I can't wait for my kids to be teenagers and sleep in. Still can't figure out why that bothered my parents. Always wanted us to get up! lol!

  2. You are such a nerd! haha, thomas the train..haha
    Sorry about the whole sleep know elias sleeps well, so i cant really understand.. to some extent though.. I am not looking forward to having a newborn again and being up all night..

  3. Krystyn, I know how you feel! Last night Ben would not go to bed until one in the morning! I don't know what his problem is! I think he might still have his throat infection. Anyways, he's been driving me crazy, but at least he will sleep in when he goes to bed so late. Well, I guess we'll see what happens when this other one comes along...

  4. Thomas the train is such a creepy show! I love the Greta asks for lip stuff in the middle of the night.
