Thursday, October 22, 2009

my worst nightmare

picture this sweet face:

tumbling all

I thought i was gonna lose it. seriously. and seeing as Ozzie cant crawl OR walk you'd think i'd be safe from this kind of accident? nope. he scaled the furniture in 2 seconds flat to come find me i guess getting the laundry and all i heard was THUD, THUD, SCREAM!!!!

I was beside myself, he was SO sad and confused. miraculously he only had 2 big bumps on his XXL head. I thought for sure he'd have broken bones, ribs, brain damage, become paralyzed, know how you start to get carried away? but sure enough, all in all he seems fine. I know he's not the first or last kid to fall down some stairs, but when it happens to you, under your watch, you feel like SUCH a tool. i felt sick to my stomache all day yesterday.

anyways, truly, truly blessed.

On a happier note... the stairs used to stink and look like this:

so i guess i shouldn't complain.


  1. Aaaah, poor Ozzie and Pissy, that is SO scary! I totally know what you mean, you don't think stuff is a big deal until it happens to you. I'm glad he's okay, poor little guy. But way to look on the bright side...your stairs look SO much better now, and yuour blog also look super cute, so Yay!!!

  2. oh, how sad! poor little guy! don't beat up yourself too much, you can't be everywhere 100% of the time, but i know what you mean, you just wanna shield them from any pain.

  3. Uggg....that makes me feel sick!!! I'm glad he's okay. On another note....your landing looks a million times better, it's awesome!!!

  4. I am so glad that he is ok. I just went through that with my little girl. I think everyone of my kids have fallen down the stairs, but everytime it is heart wrenching and awful.

  5. Aw, poor little Ozzie! Seriously, the metal edging on your stairs looks deadly! I hate accidents, glad he's doing okay.

  6. So glad he's okay. The renos look amazing!
