Friday, January 7, 2011

i forgot...

the 3 things i always seem to forget about being pregnant, that never cease to amaze me:

3. How stupid you get

2. How itchy you feel

1. How annoying it is to have to go pee so bad and then....trickle.



  1. Congrats again! Isn't pregnancy a funny thing? Hormones are crazy. I can only relate to #1 when I'm pregnant, though. The rest is all puke!

  2. Congrats on baby #3, that is SOOO fun!!! I HATED RUSHING to the bathroom knowing I was going to pee my pants and then NOTHING! :)

  3. congrats krystyn! i'm so excited that we'll be close enough to come meet baby #3 when it arrives.

    erin c. (on darren's lap top).

  4. seriously how stupid you get, it really is amazing! I'm so excited that you are pregnant! Hope you feel great.
